Variant Interactive is intended to be a game company creating and publishing games made by dedicated gamers, for dedicated gamers. Ever since games found a market on the CD-ROM and DVD-ROM mediums, development houses have found it more to their liking to produce games with less quality, and more cheap content. The game portion of a title has often given way to a sort of interactive movie, and at times, we even question the interactivity of those titles. Our goal is to produce games for all next-generation platforms, from PC to Nintendo Gamecube to Sony PlayStation2 to Microsoft X-Box, pushing the artistic envelope of the medium while maintaining the very nature of what we're creating. Games. Our bottom line is simple: to create the best games on the market for as little as possible. To create games that look incredible but retain that fundamental quality that makes a game fun. We're going against the norm on this one. We're the variant.