
Click Image For Larger View |
Infogrames |
- 1 Player
- Memory Card 1 Block
- Analog Control Compatible
- Vibration Function Compatible
ESRB: M / For Mature
Release Date: 06 / 27 / 01
List Price: $39.99 |
Alone in the Dark 4 |
Alone in the Dark 4 |
Alone in the Dark 4 |
Alone in the Dark 4 |
Alone in the Dark 4 - The New Nightmare |
Product Description:
Edward Carnby, detective of the supernatural, returns to investigate the death of his best friend, Charles Fiske, whose body was found in the waters of amysterious island off the coast of Maine. Carnby's investigation quicklyleads him to his friend's search for three ancient tablets, which, whenplaced in a specific location, will unlock an incredible and dangerouspower.
Armed with a flashlight and a pistol, Carnby must find the necessaryitems to survive as well as the clues that will help him escape hisultimate nightmare. Alone in the Dark 4: The New Nightmare carries on the survival-horror series tradition of intense action and suspensefuladventure. Within its dark and strange atmosphere, conventional rules donot apply. The player must overcome his natural fear of the dark unknownand control Edward Carnby through the game's deep storyline.
- Survival-horror adventure
- Intricate story line with more than 20 characters
- Detailed, realistic environments
- Solve the mystery of a friend's death armed only with a pistol and a flashlight
- Two playable characters
- 1,200 rooms to explore
- Variety of weapons and monsters
- Dynamic lighting
Alone in the Dark 4 - The New Nightmare |
Programmers Cheats:
Extra Points: main menu, press L1, L2 New Life: hold L2, L1, L2, Left
Power Up: Square, Down Level Jump: press X, press Circle, at main island
Programmer's Cheats
Unlimited Saves: Go into any room and pick up Charm of Saving, then save the game immediately after doing so. Another Charm of Saving will appear in the exact location after you load the saved game.
Game Shark Codes:
- Infinite Health(Both Players) 801450d80064
- Inf Ammo-Revolver 801452c8000a
- Inf Ammo-Grenade Launcher 801453000005
- Inf Ammo-Grenade Launcher 801453000005
- Inf Ammo-3 Barrel Gun 801452d00009
- Inf Ammo-Photoelectric Pulsar 801452d8000a
- Inf Ammo-Rocket Launcher 801452e80003
- Inf Ammo-Plasma Cannon 801452f80064
- Master Item Code ( Required ) Must be on for item codes to work. -- 801451c0004f
- Have All Weapons --
8014524c0017 -- 8014524e0063 -- 801452500059 -- 80145254005e -- 801452580065 8014525c0066 -- 801452600069 -- 80145264006a -- 80145268006b -- 8014526c006d
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