Electronic Arts |
- 1 Player
- Memory Card 1 Block
- Analog Control Compatible
- Vibration Function Compatible
ESRB: T / For Teen
Release Date: 08 / 18 / 00
List Price: $19.99 |
Chrono Cross |
Chrono Cross |
Chrono Cross |
Chrono Cross |
Chrono Cross |
Game Description
A timeless adventure
The life of the young boy Serge from a small, secluded fishing village takes a turn for the worse when he is mysteriously transported to a parallel universe. Seeking to make sense of what is going on, he joins a young woman on her quest for a hidden artifact. Little did he know that an adventure of cosmic proportions awaits him on his journey. Hunted on all sides with no where to turn, he must puzzle out the motives of his pursuers, all the while trying to understand his own role in this similar, yet vastly different world from his own.
With multiple scenarios cast along a single story thread and many different endings, each time you play Chrono Cross can result in an entirely new adventure. In addition, a brand new battle system makes combat smooth and innovative by introducing an elemental field system and combo system that gives the player extreme flexibility in their fighting options. With character designs by a famed Japanese illustrator and music by the original Chrono Trigger composer, Chrono Cross features visuals and sounds that bring its magic to life.
Game Description 2
While it's officially a sequel to the immensely popular Chrono Trigger, Chrono Cross is completely its own role-playing game with over 40 characters, a branching story line, and multiple endings. Like its predecessor, the game is about crossing through time and setting things right. This story focuses on Serge's quest for the Frozen Flame, which will give the beholder the power to bend space and time. Serge wants the power to save himself from dying in a parallel universe but, as you can guess, nefarious forces are also vying for the Frozen Flame to suit their own purposes.
Chrono Cross features the stylish character designs and wondrous cut scenes that gamers have come to expect from SquareSoft, but the game also has a number of gameplay innovations. Though the battle engine is essentially turn-based, characters don't have to wait their turn to cast a spell or make an attack; battles are moderated by stamina. Also, the repetitive battles with lesser monsters that make so many RPGs sag can be easily avoided because all monsters can be seen on the screen.
- The long-awaited sequel to Chrono Trigger
- Encounter a multitude of playable characters and intertwining game scenarios
- Unique design eliminates random battles and experience points
- A new visual and audio experience from the original creators
- Over 40 playable characters
- Each character has their own back-story
- Special moves, abilities, and weapons
- Spans two discs
Chrono Cross |
Editorial Review
Chrono Cross, the sequel to the Super Nintendo classic Chrono Trigger, turns out to be well worth the wait. Taking off 20 years after the first game, Chrono Cross follows a boy named Serge across parallel worlds--both the world in which he lives and one in which he drowned 10 years earlier.
Chrono Cross will wow players with beautiful prerendered graphics and a unique battle system. Elements replace magic and items in battle, and using the same element three times in a row will ultimately increase your power. In addition to using elements, the accuracy of physical attacks is determined by probability, with easier-to-land weak attacks setting up fierce blows.
The plot, while a bit slow to develop, is full of interesting characters. Players will need to travel between the two worlds to advance the plot. While many of these areas will initially appear to look similar, you'll find them to be quite different upon closer examination of the details. For instance, a plant that is extinct in one world thrives in the other.
My only qualm with Chrono Cross is that, despite the complexities of the battle system, veterans will have an easy time with early battles. Still, there's much to like about this SquareSoft epic. --Robb Guido
1.) Lavish, vibrantly colored graphics.
2.) Unique battle system involving elements and casting away role-playing clichés like experience and magic points.
1.) Easy battles due to powerful offensive and cure elements
2.) For hours, players will be saying, "Get to the time travel stuff"
Amazon.com Customer Reviews
The plot has been bruised with all of these twists!, July 12, 2001 |
Reviewer: An Amazon.com Customer
Chrono Cross is what I call amazing. The character design is simply flawless. The detail in each character just makes everything really astounding to look at.
But eye-candy isn't all this game is about. The battle system is also a neat little addition to the game. Instead of holding down the action button waiting for your characters to strike, then jump back, you need to figure out some pretty nifty combos.
The plot constantly has so many twists in it, it's remarkable. You're off doing one job and then suddenly...*CREAK!*, there's a twist! Something that's surprising, no doubt. However, the twists in the plot can often get confusing, as the players may begin to wonder why they're doing what they're doing in the game.
And if there's anything that completely blew me off the chair, it's the music. Yasunori Mitsuda tells Nobuo Uematsu (composer of the Final Fantasy series) to go and take a hike, because the music is by far the best in any video game that I have ever experienced. If you experience this game for just one reason, it can be the music alone. Hey, I don't hate Nobuo Uematsu, he's a genius, but let's let Yasunori Mitsuda hog the spotlight for just a minute ^_^;;.
With so many playable characters in the game, you'll find yourself constantly replaying it just to see how the dialogue works differently with the plot.
This game is pretty much perfect. I don't sense any flaws in anything, but with so many characters, I can understand how it took Squaresoft a good, solid 10 months to translate!
Who needs Final Fantasy?, October 4, 2000 |
Reviewer: Christopher A. Porter (see more about me) from Vicenza, Italy
I'll admit, I never played Chrono Trigger. I was weaned on the Playstation Final Fantasy games, and Chrono Cross surpasses them all.
Once again, Square has created characters that are instantly likable (albeit with tremendous speech problems) and thrust them into a story that spans two worlds, both of which rely on a young boy to save them from an evil threat.
The battle system is a departure from the Final Fantasy standard. Your characters depend on stamina points for attacks, both physical and magical. Instead of purchasing or drawing spells, you buy elements. Elements act the same as spells, and come in one of six colors. Each character also has an innate color attached to them. For example: Serge, the main character, has an innate element color of white. Therefore, when he uses white elements, such as Meteorite, the attack will be a little more powerful. Additionally, when attacks a Black elemental character, his white magic causes extra damage, and vice versa. As your character grows in experience, he or she will be able to carry more Elements, making them stronger in battle.
All this adds a huge amount of strategy to the battles. Plus, you see all of the enemies before you're forced to battle them, so you can avoid unwanted encounters. That's a nice change from standard RPGs.
The graphics are outstanding. The colors are bright, and the onscreen character models are finely detailed. The battle screens are impressive as well, with amazing special effects.
One of the best things about this game is the music. Most of the tracks sound like they were recorded with a full orchestra, and the music runs the entire emotional spectrum. For the first week or so I owned the game, I watched the full opening cinema just to hear the great intro theme.
A thousand-word review doesn't begin to do this game justice. With hours of gameplay, 45 possible party members, an engaging and exiting storyline and a great battle system, Chrono Cross is truly a masterpiece. Run along and buy the game, now.
Beautiful..., July 1, 2003 |
Reviewer: Brandon Garner from California, USA
This is one of my favorite games of all time. The music is the best I've heard in any game. If you liked Chrono Trigger, you'll love this. Even though it's the sequal to CT, you CAN understand the story in this game (the story is BEAUTIFUL). Almost everything that happened in Chrono Trigger is explained. CT does help you understand the story a little better, though.
The graphics are great (for playstation) and colorful compared to other great rpgs *coughfinalfantasy8cough*. The battle system is great, even though it has almost nothing to do with CT's battle system. It's still great, though. You equip 'elements' (special attacks). You have to land a physical hit on the enemy to use elements and go from there. The ONLY bad thing about the battle system is that each person only has 3 'techs', which are personal special attacks. (everyone had about 20 in CT).
The special effects are awesome. Also, having 44 characters may seem like a lot, but when you actually play the game you'll no problem about the # of characters. Do like cool FMVs? If you do, you will absolutely fall in love with this game. They're just as good, if not better, as Final Fantasy 7, 8, 9, and just about every game on the super-systems (Dreamcast, PS2, GameCube, XBox). They're that good. Some reviews say that the final boss is disappointing.
Actually, the main reason they say this is because there's no music during that fight. Stinks, huh? Squaresoft makes up for that by making the BEST music on the planet everywhere besides the last boss. A couple of the songs are from FF9 and others are revised songs from Chrono Trigger.
A cool feature (straight from CT) is 'New Game +'. When you beat the game, you can start a new one with all the stats, elements, and weapons (except for 2 or 3 special ones) from your old file. If you like to be ultra-powerful then obliterate everyone in your path, you will LOVE this feature. Did I mention there are 12 endings in this game? Cool, huh? The only way to get them is to use 'New Game +'. This a truly beautiful game.
Where is the series element?, June 13, 2003 |
Reviewer: Richard Veysey (see more about me) from Maine
Chrono Cross WOULD have been a great game, it had a unique system, it was hard, it had a good plot, it had many side quests. For any one who played Chrono Trigger however, this game does the idea of a sequal little justice.
Chrono Cross picks up 10 years after Chrono Trigger ends, at a series of islands too small to use in Chrono Trigger (but I have heard they are there). It has innumerable playable characters, which makes the game interesting, but has many issues which Squaresoft should have seen.
First of all, with the multitude of playable characters, you lose plot. Some of the characters of the story fit into it in many ways, these are the main characters such as Serge and Kid. However there are many characters who just appear. Starky, Van, and others have no point in the story, only a side quest which sticks to the story like an old, wet bandage.
Also, with that many characters, they couldn't give them many techs, so therefore another of Squaresoft's great innovations from Chrono Trigger was lost. Some history: in Chrono Trigger you have abilities called techs. You learn these as you gain AP (gained like EXP, only slower). Monsters, who moved about on the screen, would be targeted by techs in different ways. Some techs would only hit one monster, some would hit monsters in a certain radius from the character, or from the target monster, and some would hit all monsters. Since the monsters were constantly moving, this made placement of the characters and monsters essential to how techs were cast. Also each character had three double techs with each other character, and each combination of characters which included the main character
had a triple tech. Not so in Chrono Cross. I believe there were about 12 to 20 double and triple techs, and three techs per character (there were about 10 or more in Chrono Trigger). This meant that you would have to go through the game more than once possibly to discover who had them. Sometimes these characters couldn't even be gotten together in one game, so you may have to go through three times to find a certain move. Also with all the side quests to get many of the items, I recomend the strategy guide for this game also.
The game's plot also had some gaps. There are certain places where you are expected to do something, but either don't know which world to do it in, or can't find where to do it. Sometimes you will have a suggested opportunity to get new characters which you won't know about because it never suggests exploring certain places. There is one point where it is essential to find characters, but it doesn't tell you they are available. Another annoying plot point is that any character will suddenly join the party with the knowledge of every event that has occured in the story, there is no explaination scene, a fact which annoys me when a new character in the group starts talking in detail about an event which happened before they joined the group.
The game is fun, and the new game +, one of the few elements which was kept over from Chrono Trigger, allows for great replayability. All in all though, I was dissapointed. I expected a sequal true to the original's good points, something not delivered upon to my dismay.
Chrono Cross |
L2 = Confirm |
Cancel = R2 |
L1 = Talk, enter, inspect item, confirm |
Switch character, Run = R1 |
D Pad
(any) Highlight options, move character in desired direction |
Cancel selection and return to menu, change camera angle, view menu |
Change party order
Pause |
Change character, view items |
Run, cancel selection |
Select options, perform action, talk, enter, inspect, confirm |
Chrono Cross |
Programmers Cheats
Extra Points: press R1 + L2 + X
New Life: press X + R1 + L2 when fighting monsters
Power Up: press X + Triangle + Square when destroying monsters
Level Jump: press X + R1 + Square
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