Customer Reviews

its alright, April 30, 2002
Reviewer: ben kroell from Cincinnati, Oh
this game is pretty good. the only thing i dont like is the modes that u fish in. the tournaments ... because u dont really get a chance to fish because its based on a timer and once its up u weight your 3 biggest fish. another bad thing is that u dont get to go where u want in a boat, u just pick a fishing scene and cast. another small con is when your reeling a fish in, it constantly goes back and forth to the underwater view at which u cant reel in and u just have to watch, that really gets old after a while. so does the game. youll like it wen u get it but it gets old and boring.

good-easy game, December 5, 1999
Reviewer: A gamer from Boulder Jct, Wisconsin
This was a good game, I have seen alot better from the fishing and hunting areas but this was still a good game. This game was challenging yet easy. it was challenging when you got a big fish on and yet it was easy to beat.there is a few supprises on the way too. If you are a big bass fisherman I would get this if not I would stay away

Not Worth It, November 30, 1999
Reviewer: A gamer from Carmel, New York
This game is not worth buying. Rent it first, other fishing games for Playstation are much better. It is annoying with it's continue screen that comes up while your fishing like an arcade game. It's also very strenuous on your finger, when trying to reel a fish in you have to press circle or x about fifty times instead of being able to hold the button down.

Great game play...very short game...too easy to beat..., November 11, 1999
Reviewer: A gamer from Ontario
This game is a great game for everyone to play...angler or not...everyone seems to love the yet...the graphics...great...and the commentary. The only draw back to the game is its lack of depth...very few places to fish...and really easy to finish the about two hours. This is not a game for the serious fishing enthusiast...if you are looking for fun...for a bunch of people...this is a really great game!