Sony CEA, Inc. |
- 1 Player
- Memory Card 1 Block
- Vibration Function Compatible
- Analog Control Compatible
ESRB: E / For Everyone
Release Date: 10 / 01 / 99 Rating:  List Price: $44.95 |
Grandia |
Grandia |
Grandia |
Grandia |

Grandia |
Grandia |
Grandia |
Grandia |
Grandia |
^ UP ^ |
Grandia, one of the most popular role-playing games (RPG) in recent history, is now available exclusively for the PlayStation game console. RPG fans will welcome Grandia's imaginative, vibrant and detailed gameplay, which is complemented by a strong character-driven story, set in a warm and inviting world. Developed by Game Arts, the producers of Alisa Dragoon and the Lunar series, Grandia is an RPG masterpiece, loaded with innovative gameplay features and scenarios that will captivate players, providing for more than 70 hours of gameplay. Grandia is an extraordinary story that pits magic and technology against the feral guise of corruption. Long ago, before humans could claim their superiority upon this world, a benevolent race, with great knowledge and powers, lived in peace and harmony. As
the world evolved, humans began to establish their roots in these lands and people began to believe that the existence of the magical city of Angelou was nothing but a myth. But the sinister General Baal knows otherwise and scours the world in hopes to find the ancient capital of Alent and unleash its secrets. Embark on an unforgettable journey as you assume the role of Justin, a precocious 15-year old boy, as the adventure begins you uncover what happened to the ancient world and try to stop General Baal from awakening a deadly secret. Key features: Up to four characters to occupy your party in exploration and battle, inviting and vibrant worlds each with their own architectural style, a field radar view provides an overhead perspective for easier exploration and item location, over 200 enemies
to battle, real-time battles where you are challenged with strategically planning out attacks, distance, spells, placement and orders; all four characters can also attack simultaneously. Grandia has an impressive system of magic and character development that will captivate you for hours! Over 200 weapons, over 200 items to collect, and over 80 spells and attack techniques.
- Fantasy themed role-playing game
- Turn-based combat system
- Voice acting for critical story sequences
- 3-D polygonal environment
- For 1 player
Grandia |
^ UP ^ |
Editorial Review
If you can put up with the cutesy graphics, Grandia is one of the longest, most compelling, and most character-driven role-playing games you'll ever spin in your PlayStation. By the time we finished this massive quest, we really cared about the game's characters. (By comparison, our interest in Final Fantasy VII was focusing more on getting from one transition movie scene to the next).
The main story line is standard role-playing fare. The powerful General Baal has plans to unleash something of a Pandora's box on the world, and you can guess whose job it is to stop him. Grandia provides a world packed with colorful characters who are fun to talk to, and the unconventional combat system lets players pick and choose their fights. The characters in your party grow, as do their magical skills and weapons, meaning there's always some new accomplishment just around the corner that keeps players adventuring long into the night. Role-playing fans should be overjoyed that this conversion from the Sega Saturn classic was made, as it provides weeks of solid adventuring that never becomes a chore. --T. Byrl Baker
An entertaining adventure with loads of interesting characters
Characters, weapons, and spells all improve with experience
Quirky, cutesy graphics won't appeal to everybody
Grandia |
^ UP ^ |