Game Description
A mysterious compound known as Blue Nephiline has been discovered in the former Soviet Republic of Volgia. It is rumored that the compound is a natural superconductor and using it would make Volgia’s weapons more advanced than anything in the West. You take the role of British secret agent John Cord as he tries to discover the truth behind Blue Nephiline.
As the game starts, Cord is captured and tortured. Seven of the game’s nine missions are flashbacks that help explain how you got into this particular situation. As you work through the levels, your best weapon in avoiding guards, cameras, robots, and security systems is stealth rather than heavy weaponry. The fate of the world is in your capable hands, and only you can discover the truth behind Blue Nephiline in IN COLD BLOOD.
Nine missions with approximately 60 total hours of gameplay!
Over one hundred environments to explore and survive.
Imaginative gameplay combining stealth action and covert operations.
Advanced AI allows enemies to react to you, communicate with each other and even retreat!
The latest weapons & spy equipment!
- A Brenfield 9mm sidearm.
- Electromagnetic pulse-mines.
- Highly-Advanced communication computers.
- Hacking unit.
- Motion detectors.
"IN COLD BLOOD is all about stealth and espionage.
...the most detailed environments we've yet seen
in a Playstation game."
- GameSpot |