- 1 or 2 Players
- Memory Card 1-12 Blocks
- Multi Tap Adaptible 1-4 Players
- Analog Control Compatible
ESRB: E / For Everyone
Release Date: 06 / 07 / 00
List Price: $19.99 |
ISS - Pro Revolution |
ISS - Pro Revolution |
ISS - Pro Revolution |
ISS - Pro Revolution |
International Superstar Soccer - Pro Revolution |
^ UP ^ |
Customer Reviews
WAKE UP!!!, January 20, 2002 |
Reviewer: barbarkhan from Newark, DE, USA
In all the soccer games, the one which is closest to reality as far as all platforms and systems are concerned. It is so perfect that cannot be compared with FIFA series. If you have never played this game, you don't know the pleasure of playing soccer... |
Best Tatical Footy game In the world!, June 6, 2001 |
Reviewer: David Powell from United Kingdom
This Game is the beast ever the in depth tatical ablitlity make it easy to pick up and IMPOSSIBLE to put down.
The beginner is welcomed with open footy nets just set it to easy and build up to a fantastic game. the players are wonderfully crafted allthough they could be better with Beckham looking more like and sounding more like Backham.
The beauty of the game is the in depth master league. the master league consists of 15 team (one of which is you with a choice of many top class English, Spanish and Itallian clubs)fighting to the top. you start off with the same bunch of average playes (bakers & butchers etc) with winning giving you 3 points in the table and 9 points for player purchases, you also get bonus points for each goal you beat the by! e.g.3-0 will give you 2 bonus points. with this system the likes of Rivaldo and Owen will be at your Disposall!
This game is Class and ive been playing for 4 months straight which has never happend to me, EVER!!!! this is so rare to find in a game and is well worth 30 quid! If you want a good footy game go buy Fifa 2001, if you want a great Game buy ISS Pro Evolution and youl love me forever. P> David Powell
It is really wonderful., June 3, 2001 |
Reviewer: Fatih Süvari from Bursa, Turkey
When I started to play this game, I found myself in the different world. The world of soccer. Every movements are realistic.This is the best soccer game around. |
I was a victim of good advertising by EASPORTS, January 3, 2001 |
Reviewer: Nigel Fulchan from Trinidad & Tobago
I am a soccer freak. I only play sport games and almost always would purchase from EASPORTS because of their ads.
ISS is for serious soccer players. This game is the nearest thing to being on the field. Great game play & smooth graphics. The goal keepers are far better than EASPORTS FIFA 2001. You spend more time in mid field building up your attack or defence. It is really far superiour to EASPORTS FIFA2001.
The reasons for 4 stars and not 5 are: the graphics of the fans in the stadium are not that great and the commentary is not as good as EASPORTS.(both of which have nothing to do with the actual game play).
This is a must buy...! |
ISS, December 6, 2000 |
Reviewer: An Amazon.com Customer
ISS is the best soccer game it has the best graphics i love the game . |
Best football game ever!, July 14, 2000 |
Reviewer: A gamer from London, England
Since buying this game Fifa has not come near my playstation. The gameplay is far superior and more realistic to life. I would advise anyone who likes football games to buy this one immediately. There are several little tricks like a through ball button, one two's, dummies etc. The player detail is also brilliant, Zidane has got his bald patch and Davids wears those infamous sunnies.
Although brilliant, there is room for improvement. The commentary is appauling and the player's names are all spealt incorrectly for licensing reasons.
They have room to improve, in the meantime I would recommend you get it and play away!
A good new addition to ISS series, June 21, 2000 |
Reviewer: A gamer from Colorado, U.S.A.
This playstation addition to the Iss series was a great idea. The graphics are the same as the n64 version which is a good thing. It is a good idea to buy this game because it is fun and takes a while to get sick of. And if you are a soccer fan this is definetly a game you want to buy. I have all of the iss games ever made and this is definetly one of the better ones! |
International Superstar Soccer - Pro Revolution |
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