The 3D fighting genre fulfills its ultimate destiny with Star Wars Masters of Teräs Käsi, an intense one-on-one combat experience for the Sony PlayStation. The story revolves around the mysterious Arden Lyn, a master of the ancient art of teräs käsi, as she leads a group of the most feared champions of the Galactic Empire to eliminate the leaders of the Rebel Alliance. Join Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Boba Fett, Princess Leia, Chewbacca, plus a few surprise characters in a Star Wars environment like you've never experienced.
- Nine-plus 3D characters fight one-on-one in over nine true3D arenas
- Intense arcade action - literally thousands of possible fighting moves
- Includes all your favorite Star Wars cast of characters, and introduces a totally new entry, the mysterious Arden Lyn
- Game modes include Single, Team, Survival and Elimination Tournament play
- Each fighter possesses special weapons including: lightsabers, gaffi sticks, blasters and secret Force techniques
- Spectacular arena locations include Cloud City, a Tusken village and an Endor landing pad
- All the sights, sounds and action from your favorite long-time-ago galaxy!