Electronic Arts |
• 1 or 2 Players
• Memory Card 1-2 Blocks |
ESRB: T / For Teen
Release Date: 10 / 01 / 99
List Price: $67.99 |
Final Fantasy Anthology |
Final Fantasy Anthology |
Final Fantasy Anthology |
Final Fantasy Anthology |
Final Fantasy - Anthology |
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Final Fantasy Anthology incorporates two of the most beloved Final Fantasy titles ever published. The first game, Final Fantasy VI brings back all of the qualities that made it the best selling RPG of its time, and adds a few bonuses unique to this re-release. The second title in this compilation, Final Fantasy V, is seeing its first ever release in the U.S. Featuring an innovative 'Job' system and a story that will take the player to different worlds, this title shows gamers outside of Japan what they've been missing. Each game has been re-mastered to include never-before seen CG movies, and work from artist Yoshitaka Amano. As if that weren't enough, the games also include special CD featuring the music from both titles. If you're new to the Final Fantasy universe, pick up Anthology as way of getting to know the series that has garnered the praise of millions. If you are already a fan, pick it up to relive the magic!
From the Manufacturer
Final Fantasy Anthology incorporates two of the most beloved Final Fantasy titles ever published. The first game, Final Fantasy VI brings back all of the qualities that made it the best selling RPG of its time, and adds a few bonuses unique to this re-release. The second title in this compilation, Final Fantasy V, is seeing its first ever release in the U.S. Featuring an innovative 'Job' system and a story that will take the player to different worlds, this title shows gamers outside of Japan what they've been missing. Each game has been re-mastered to include never-before seen CG movies, and work from artist Yoshitaka Amano. As if that weren't enough, the games also include special CD featuring the music from both titles. If you're new to the Final Fantasy universe, pick up Anthology as way of getting to know the series that has garnered the praise of millions. If you are already a fan, pick it up to relive the magic! |
Final Fantasy - Anthology |
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Editorial Review
Showcasing two installments of SquareSoft's wildly popular role-playing game (RPG) series, Final Fantasy Anthology features the U.S. debut of Final Fantasy V, and reintroduces one of the best RPGs of all time, Final Fantasy VI, originally released as Final Fantasy III on the Super Nintendo gaming system.
Both games are straight Super Nintendo conversions, so their 2-D graphics and 16-bit sounds are admittedly subpar by PlayStation standards. However, SquareSoft has added brand-new, beautifully animated movies for both titles, and has given Final Fantasy VI the star treatment it deserves by adding a bonus mode where gamers can access loads of supplementary material, such as artwork and data files on the game's monsters and items. As an extra bonus for hardcore fans, an audio CD featuring music from both games is included, making this quite the collector's package.
While Final Fantasy V is one of weaker entries in the series, Final Fantasy VI alone is totally worth the price of Final Fantasy Anthology. Endearingly melodramatic characters, a genuinely epic story line, and rock-solid gameplay make Final Fantasy VI just as absorbing today as it was when it was Final Fantasy III. --Joe Hon
Brand-new animated movies and bonus music CD soundtrack
Reissues Final Fantasy VI, one of the best RPGs ever
Lots of supplementary material for Final Fantasy VI
Dated graphics and sounds may bother some gamers
The previously unreleased Final Fantasy V may as well have stayed unreleased
Amazon.com Customer Reviews

FINAL FANTASY 6 RULES!!!!!, July 20, 2003
Reviewer: A gamer from Sacramento, CA United States
All I can say is that this game Rules all other RPG games.

One of my favorite games, and a decent one, June 19, 2003
Reviewer: Joe Sherry (see more about me) from Roseville, Minnesota United States
Final Fantasy Anthology features the Playstation debut of Final Fantasy V and Final Fantasy VI. FFVI first appeared on the SNES, but was known as Final Fantasy III at the time (it was the third Final Fantasy to make it to America, but the sixth overall in Japan). Final Fantasy V was only released in Japan and Anthology makes the American debut of the game. I've been a long time fan of the Final Fantasy series, so I was extremely happy that I was now able to play these games on the Playstation. It was nice to have all of my Final Fantasy on the same system. There have been complaints about the loading time between battles and menu screens, and while the loading times are not great (or even good), they did not distract me at all while playing the games. These were just minor complaints for me.
Final Fantasy V:
As I stated above, this is the first time that Final Fantasy V was playable in the United States. Graphically, the game is similar to Final Fantasy IV (the one with Cecil and Golbez), but there is a significant difference. The difference is that there is a job based leveling system now. This predates Final Fantasy Tactics, but it is similar (less refined, perhaps). As you progress through the game, your abilities in battle depend on what job class you have chosen to be, and mastering multiple job classes is key to beating the game. The story is somewhat of a let down after Final Fantasy IV. I feel this is one of the weaker games in the series, but it is still fun.
Final Fantasy VI:
This is my favorite Final Fantasy game of all time. While I have loved most of the games, and enjoyed the rest, this one stands first in my heart for the Final Fantasy series. This game has good graphics for the SNES era, and a long, involved story dealing with magical creatures called Espers and the greed of some humans to steal that magical power. The story does not center directly on any one character, but a case could be made for Terra, Celes, Locke, and perhaps Edgar as the fourth lead. The absence of a true lead character adds to the development of the story since it doesn't follow one character but follows a plotline where character move in and out of the story arc. I found this game to be incredibly fun to play and was by far my favorite of the series.
Final Fantasy - Anthology |
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