Showcasing enhanced versions of the Super Nintendo classics Final Fantasy IV and Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy Chronicles is a must-have "retro" bundle for the serious role-playing game fan.
Originally released in the U.S. in 1991 as Final Fantasy II, the groundbreaking Final Fantasy IV introduced the "Active Time Battle" combat system that has since become a staple in the series. In addition to new computer animation sequences and minor gameplay enhancements, this reissue sports a new dialogue translation that is more faithful to the Japanese version and fleshes out the previously pared-down story of a conflicted knight and his quest for redemption.
Although not as well known as Final Fantasy IV--and not even part of the Final Fantasy series, for that matter--1995's Chrono Trigger is a nonlinear adventure game where players must travel across time to save a princess (and the world in the process). New Japanese cartoon cutscenes from animator Akira Toriyama (creator of Dragonball Z) grace the updated Chrono Trigger, and an extras mode (filled with game-related goodies that must be unlocked) has been added, increasing the already high replay value of this title with multiple endings.
Admittedly, the games' two-dimensional graphics and simplistic sounds are quite "last generation," which may turn off some younger gamers and recent converts to the genre, but their solid gameplay, deep storyline, and memorable characters are still first-rate by today's standards. --Joe Hon
Brings together two classic Super Nintendo role-playing games
Retranslated text of Final Fantasy IV more faithful
Extras mode increases Chrono Trigger's replay value
New animated "movie" sequences
In-game graphics and sounds are quite dated Customer Reviews
Final Fantasy9- The best ff series so far, January 16, 2001
Reviewer: Garnet from New York City, New York United States
My advice is that anyone that enjoys playing ff series should definately get this game. It is the best!! The music and the vocals are excellent along with the theme song Melodies Of Life and the graphics are amazing. There are also tons of fmv cut scenes in every disc. The storyline is well done and as you move on, it becomes more complex. The characters were also very well done with their own individual unique personalities. The limit break had been changed into something into called "Trance Mode" which you can use more than once in a battle. The summons or eidolons(called in the game)had been shorter but still very effective against certain enemies. The equip mode had become alot easier and all you have to do is choose which abilities you want to equip and then adjust the proper slots which is alot easier then the ff8 junction system. The battle mode allows you to have 4 party members and only certain characters can cast certain magic. Besides that the game is a "little bit" too short, this is a great rpg game for ff fans and I give it a overall of 5 stars.
Best FF Game Ever!!, January 30, 2001
Reviewer: A gamer from Madison, WI USA
Wow! I think thats the main word for this game! FF9 has got to be the best Final Fantasy game ever made. The FMVs are beautiful, the storyline is great, the characters are very unique (Zidane is actually not a jerk like Squall! He's more of a "player") and most important to me, the game has got to have the best musical score I've ever heard!!! (Nobuo Uematsu is THE MAN!!!) This game takes you back to when Final Fantasy first came out, (knights, dragons, all that good stuff!) I was a die-hard Final Fantasy 7 fan, and thought no other FF could be better, but after playing through the first 30 min of the game, I fell in love right away. The ending of the game, (which is about 45 min long) actually had me balling my eyes out. It was SOOOOO beautiful! The game starts off in the kingdom of Alexandria, where Zidane and the rest of "Tantalus" are set to capture Princess Garnet Til Alexandros 17th (whew!). And I won't tell you what happens after that, so find out for yourselves! It's totally worth it!

Well not as great as FF8...but,, July 27, 2003
Reviewer: Larry M. Smith (see more about me) from USA
Its still worth playing if you are a true FF fan. Loads of fun and some really great graphics. Do get this game, a true classic to play.

The last "true" Final Fantasy..., July 26, 2003
Reviewer: Jon from Fairfax, VA
This is the PSX last Final Fantasy game and what a roller coaster ride it is. This game does not dissapoint. The story will draw you in and never let go. I have to admit I am a little dissapointed with the Ablility System but other then that a truley remarkable game. Also Final Fantasy XI has one of the best endings I have ever witnessed at the end of an RPG, very satisfying. If you're a fan of Final Fantasy games you owe it to yourself to play this incredible game, to others I say go ahead and jump on the Final Fantasy 7 bandwagon, that is if you havent already.