Electronic Arts |
- 1 to 8 Players
- Memory Card 5 to 12 Blocks
- Multi Tap Adaptable 1 to 8 Players
- Developer: Tiburon Entertainment, Inc.
ESRB: E / For Everyone
Release Date: 09 / 11 / 96 Rating:  List Price: $19.99 |
Madden NFL 97 |
Madden NFL 97 |
Madden NFL 97 |
Madden NFL 97 |
Madden NFL '97 |
^ UP ^ |
- Full NFL SEASON, playoffs, Super Bowl, and Pro Bowl.
- TV-STYLE PRESENTATION - Live commentary with Madden and Summerall, plus James
- Brown in the studio.
- Over 100 NFL TEAMS.
- NFL PLAYER rosters.
- CREATE and TRADE players.
- Over 500 MADDEN designed plays.
- 31 3-D rendered NFL STADIUMS.
- 10 real NFL PENALTIES.
- Player and team season STATS tracked in over 60 categories.
Madden NFL '97 |
^ UP ^ |
Customer Reviews
Old, but still a Madden, December 21, 2001 |
Reviewer: An Amazon.com Customer
This game is so-so. I got this game 4 years ago and it was awesomeat first. Now its just to easy. My lowest score ever was 41 to 3 versing 49ers, my win. My highest was 291 to 0 versing the Rams. Too easy huh? Averaging 1000 yards thrown a game everyone catching at least 100 and running backs and QBs rushing 100 each it is too easy for me versing the computer. If you want it tough verse someone good at this game. The game is fun at first but then at the next day, it gets borinber and more. I recommend if you want that game, play it if you feel like when you are losing at everything and take it on this game, I'll guess you will win. I have played a lot at 1997 and 1998. The graphics are okay. Commentary horrible. IT's up to you, what do you think? |
Madden 97, October 30, 2001 |
Reviewer: theentertainmentshop (see more about me) from KS, USA
The game is great fun for any football enthusiast! Great graphics! |
Not Worth [the $], July 30, 2000 |
Reviewer: A gamer from Elkton, MD United States
It has the worst graphics out of all of the games I own. It is kind of fun when you first play it for the first time. Then it starts to get boring,you stop playing it and it is like it disappears,you only play it for about 5 minutes once a month or even once a year. |
Madden NFL '97 |
^ UP ^ |