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Your complete PSX NTSC U/C Game Guide
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The PSX INDEX is made up of 31 pages with 40 rows on each of 30 pages and 18 on the last page (1218 games). Each row has a small question mark button that's linked to the game detail page.


The PSX Lists are made up of 4 pages and are in black and white so that you can print them out on your printer. The first column has a check box so that you can check off the games you've played, want or need to finish off your collection.


These pages contain thumbnail images only, with each image being a link to the detail pages. This is similar to the PSX INDEX pages except for the text. Each page contains 20 thumbnails taking 61 pages to contain all Game Box-Art Images.


Various search engines from different stores auctions and the internet.


This area contains a list of over 1500 developers. Plus tools and resources for those of you that would like to really get into the game and maybe make your own. The Developer's Studios ( both independent and those that are owned by large companies ) are a good source for information and also to examine some of their products, such as 3D animation , screen shots etc. These people are from all over the planet. Many also have tutorials and other information. It is also a good place to check, if you are looking for work in one of the many areas of game development.


Support if you have any questions please email them to me here. world headquarters is located in:

3880 Longmeadow Ave., N.W.

Roanoke, Virginia 24017
United States of America.

This is an 'Update' & 'News' page for all web site visitors, so you can keep up on what's new and any problems that I may have with the web site. If you know of any problems not listed below, please email me. Thank you!


10/24/04-- Added phpBB2 message board.

10/01/04-- Added new database driven PS2 game section with over 1000 game detail pages and 18,000 images. Added PS2 Printable game list to Master Lists plus added it to the .zip file.

11/04/03-- Updated PS1 Printable Lists and Zip File. Added Greatest Hits List to Instructions Page and marked listed games with an aterisk if it is a Greatest Hit Game. I have many more games pending confirmation before adding to all lists. More to do yet. Thanks for your input! --Martin {{**}}

11/3/03-- Search has been updated to csSearchPro version. looks good so far. Searches are much faster. If you bookmarked or saved a search on old version, it won't work now. You need to perform your search again. (I need to improve meta tags) --Martin : )

11/1/03-- Search is back online! Now you can search the entire website or at least 3000 pages including Developer's Profiles and PS1 detail pages. Slideshows and Front covers will take some time to be added.
Thanks all --Martin {{**}}

10/30/03-- Sorry Folks the search engine for PSX games will be down for a short while. I think I hit the wrong button, ooops!
(I lost my hard-drive & toasted my processor last week)
Things gotta get better : )

10/24/03-- Just passing through, again. I've good news and bad news.. Good News: I'm learning PHP & MySQL and making progress. Bad News: it might be another 2 or 3 weeks to see changes. Thanks all!
Martin - ( Is Search Working ok? email-me.

2:47 AM 8/6/2003
Been busy again!
I've gotten the game map working, I know everybody that comes here is extremely happy to hear that. Now you can go up and down and all around on the map using the D-Pad on the detail pages. The map is actually made up of all the PS1 index pages turned horizontally with the top and bottom connected.. kind of like a Slot Machine. You can go in a complete circle or loop by going up or down and if you go left or right you go from A to Z. It also works great for keeping a history of detail pages you've visited.

Been connecting Gamestop links to detail pages at gamestop. I have about half of them finished hope to get the rest finished soon.

9:29 PM 5/21/2003
Hello people!
It has been a while sense my last update.

* I,ve added more stuff and updated and cleaned up code on most all of the 6700+ pages.
*Meta Tag do's and don't's are about to drive me nuts, (too many keywords, not enough, keyword spamming, bots, no bots, description too long or not long enough. etc.)
*Every submission site tells you something different. Hope to have that corrected soon.

Thanks again to all you good people that use this web site. I really appreciate the traffic and hope you have found it useful : ) --Martin {{**}}

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