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Midway Home Entertainment

 • 1 or 2 Players
 • Link Cable 2 consoles
 • Shooter-1st Person 
 ESRB: M / For Mature
 Release Date: 11 / 16 / 95
 List Price: $19.99
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Doom Doom Doom Doom

Game Description:
This is it!
The gaming addiction that's been played by an estimated 10 million fanactics on the PC. And now it's out in a better than ever, sweat-soaked, pulse-pounding, adrenaline-wrenching version for the Playstation game Console.

Over 50 hellish levels!

Editorial Review
No question about it: Doom is one of the greatest games of all time. The blend of a simple, yet compelling mission, breakthrough 3-D interface, brilliant level and weapon design, and the effective use of fear made Doom an instant classic and launched a revolution in computer games. Born on the PC, this game has been ported to almost everything imaginable, and the PlayStation port is one of the best.

You play the part of a space marine who was stationed on a research station on the Martian moon, Phobos. Something went very wrong when the researchers opened an extradimensional portal. Now you're trapped far from home, grabbing guns and ammo to blast the demons. A one-man crusade, you shoot everything that moves--and, likewise, everything that moves tries to return the favor.

This was the game that launched the multiplayer craze on the PC, and the PlayStation version does its best to live up to Doom's reputation as the ultimate multiplayer deathmatch game. If you have two players, two PlayStations, and a link cable, you can enjoy some mad two-player mayhem.

A few words of caution: remember that Doom was the first wildly successful first-person shooter, and while its graphics were astounding for its era, it hasn't aged well. If you want the latest and greatest graphics, you'll be disappointed, but if you're into quality gaming and appreciate history, you'll still get a huge blast out of Doom. -- John Cocking

1.) Lots of mayhem
2.) Terror mounts as your ammo count drops

1.) Older graphics
2.) Nothin' but violence
3.) Sluggish when compared to the PC version Consumer Reviews

The best console version of Doom, June 3, 2003

Reviewer: A. Paul Melin (see more about me) from Derby, Kansas United States
After the success of "Wolfenstein 3-D" and the birth of the first-person shooter genre, the intelligent, creative teams at ID Software would forge ahead with an even deeper game: Doom. John Romero is hailed for this classic game of monster hunting. Read on to see why this is a classic.

Well, obviously it's the "granddaddy" of the genre. You get an array of weapons, my personal favorite being the chainsaw. There's nothing better than chopping up a red demon and watching the blood scatter. The music is also VERY eerie, as if something is about to pop out at you (even though it never does to the extent of, let's say, Silent Hill). Even though the graphics are outdated, the level designs are very well done and many of them are tricky and cleverly designed. THESE GUYS WANTED YOU TO WORK HARD TO PASS A LEVEL.

I also must add that the controls are very customizable. If you don't have Doom for your computer, this is your best bet on the console. After all, this has Doom, Doom II, AND Ultimate Doom!

Are you kidding?! IT'S DOOM!

Even outdated, this game stands the test of time. You have games today (not all of them, I'm not being politically correct, so bite me!) that all you do is... you guessed it, kill people. Doom not only had you kill monsters (and with bloodlust), you had to find the right key to open the door, face MORE monsters lurking behind it, and work your way through seemingly endless labyrinths. Sound hard? Yes, but that's the idea; this is a prime example of the way a first-person shooter game should be done. It's a shame that future games didn't follow a similar formula (although Red Faction and Half-Life are your best bets of today). In any case, Doom is a classic and should NEVER be forgotten. Grab your BFG and perhaps a Rocket Launcher and HUNT THIS GAME DOWN. You won't regret it.

EXCELLENT!, October 23, 2002
Reviewer: A gamer from miami florida
Nice! doom 1 and 2 in one CD. That was a very creative idea, you get over 50 levels from ultimate doom and doom 2. Many of you maybe wondering if the levels look the same as the PC. Yes they do! they look exactly the same as the pc. the only difference is the enemies for example you will see monsters that are not in the pc ultimate doom in the PSX version monsters such as the chaingunner soldier, mancubus, arancnoton, revenant, pain elemental and hell knight. In ultimate doom for pc those monsters are not there, they are only in doom 2 for pc. but the Psx version of ultimate doom you will see those monsters when you put the game on Hurt me plenty or Ultra violence. the only complaint is that i think the archville is missing from both games, and i haven't seen the spider mastermind. i think you may find him in Threshold of pain( last level in ultimate doom). another thing is the pc music for the levels are taken out, instead they put slow scary music for the levels. This is a must buy for any doom fan i bought my copy recently!

A mood game, April 29, 2000
Reviewer: A gamer from your upstairs bedroom
Doom isn't a game with revolutionary graphics or sound effects. It doesn't try to be.It is, quite simply, a mood game.If you get really peeved off at something then just pop in one of the ol' Doom games (although the first will always be my fav)and kick some demonic bootay! Just think about it, the demons resemble people we all loathe. Mancubus is the big fat ugly smelly retarded school bully we all love to hate! Cyber Demon and Spider Mastermind are the school principal . The Baron of Hell is your stupid brother with his strange pants and retro boots and his goofy haircut . He's the brother who got sunburnt trying to tan. :) So next time you get mad , don't hit a punching bag, pop Doom into your playstation and fry some demons!P.S. It is a classic and you can't dis a classic! :)

Doom, April 5, 2000
Reviewer: A gamer from East Leroy, MI United States
Well, I the PC verison of Doom and the other 2 are the best, but the Play Station version is a little below the PC verison. But it is a good game to work with, the graphics are good, the controls are easy to get used to. Lot's of good levels in the game, when I got this one, i just had to get the other one, I recomend that to you to.

Best Game Ever!, July 13, 2003
Reviewer: CoryCox (see more about me) from hell
I used to play this game, like, 8 years ago. And i had to sell cause my playstation broke. So now i just found it last night at the mall. Doom is the best game ever, the best level is House Of Pain. It has alot of upsidedown crosses and pentagrams and picturesof Satan on several of the levels, and that makes it even better. And the gore and stuff is awesome, its probaly the goriest game ive ever played. Its quite hard. The Barons Of Hell are hard ... to kill. The graphics are pretty bad, but all od the best games have bad graphics, I dont really care about how good it looks, i dont really even like most Playstaion 2 games. Get this game along with the game simply called D.

This game is really hard to find. Im lucky to have again!

DOOM, July 2, 2003
Reviewer: Jamie X-Treme (see more about me) from Crossett, AR United States
Love it or hate it, Doom was indeed one of the most controversial and popular games of the early 1990's, due to its violent content and satanic imagry. Doom was among some of the violent games that were blamed for the shooting at Colombine High School in Denver, Colorado. Doom was even ordered to be banned by religious protestors. But despite all that, Doom is still one of the hottest shooting games in U.S. It's my favorite game on the PC. I play almost every day on my computer at home. I would love to own this game on the Playstation because, it is, by far, the best version of Doom ever!! I rented it from one of my local movie rental stores, and loved it. The graphics are pretty good, the sounds and music are very eerie, and the animation is excellent. And just like on the PC version, all of the weapons, levels, enemies, and cheat codes are here. If you play this game and love it, also get Final Doom for Playstation. Those who are offended by lots of satanic imagry and bloody action should steer clear.

DOOM-ed Nostalgia, June 3, 2003
Reviewer: vdzmedia from Gaithersburg, MD United States
I ordered this game on a Thusday and by Monday night I was playing this excellent game. Great seller response and mailing and the game was in perfect condition along with documentation.

It brings back lotsa memeories of playing this game on my 486 computer back in the early to mid-nineties every day after work. And now I can re-live more carefree days on my PS1. I don't regret this purchase one single moment.

 L2 = Weapon Down Weapon Strafe Up  = R2 
 L1 = Strafe Left Strafe Right  = R1 
D Pad
Move character forward, backward, left and right
Fire Weapon
Automap on/off, brings up Menu when Paused


Open Doors and Activate Switches
Strafe On

Programmers Cheats
Level select
Pause the game and press Right, Left, R2, R1, Triangle, L1, Circle, X. If you entered the code correctly, a menu will appear in the top half of the viewing window. Press Left and Right to select a level, and confirm your entry with Square, Circle, Triangle, or X.

Pause the game and press Down, L2, Square, R1, Right, L1, Left, Circle.
If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear on the bottom of the viewing window and will disappear, the game is resumed. Your character will be invincible, however unlike the invulnerability power-up, your screen will not turn white.

Weapons, ammunition, and keys
Pause the game and press X, Triangle, L1, Up, Down, R2, Left, Left.
If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear on the bottom of the viewing window and will disappear, the game is resumed. All weapons, ammunition for them, and keys for current level will be available.

Map all lines
Pause the game and press Triangle, Triangle, L2, R2, L2, R2, R1, Square.
If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear on the bottom of the viewing window and will disappear, the game is resumed. All walls and boundaries will appear on the map for the current stage.

Map all items
Pause the game and press Triangle, Triangle, L2, R2, L2, R2, R1, Circle.
If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear on the bottom of the viewing window and will disappear, the game is resumed. All objects including enemies, items, weapons, and secret switches will appear on the map as blue triangles.

X-Ray specs
Pause the game and press L1, R2, L2, R1, Right, Triangle, X, Right.

Transparent walls
Pause the game and press L1, R2, L2, R1, Right, Triangle, X, Right.
Now your character may now see through one layer of wall or sprites.

Random levels
At the password screen, enter "DOOMMNLxxx", where xxx the same character such as !!! or 555. Now the game will start at a random level with an unusual amount of ammunition, armor, and life.

Play in linked mode with only one disc
Note: Sony does not recommend removing a spinning disc from the Playstation. Connect two Playstations with the linkcable, and power on both systems.

Begin Doom on Playstation 1. Select Deathmatch or a cooperative game. Playstation 1 should try to connect to Playstation 2. Wait a few seconds, remove the disc from the Playstation 1, and start the game on Playstation 2. Enter all selections identically to Playstation 1 and begin playing.

The game will hang from time to time. At these points, swap the disc to the other Playstation after waiting a few seconds before removing the disc.

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